Hey guys, I'm looking for room for my (6 pack in hiding) beer belly on my 59. I'd like to stay with stock seat, column and steering wheel and am looking for some ideas other than weight loss programs.

There's no question that losing a few pounds would solve the problem, but realistically speaking, that's not likely going to happen.
The gas tank is going under bed. Can I move the seat back and still be able to reach the pedals? 5'10" and 30" inseam may be a challenge.
Would a thinner back on the seat be as effective?
Perhaps a smaller steering wheel that would still look great. Maybe a 55 to 57 wheel that isn't dished? My concern with this option is that the wheel would be too low in my lap? Has anyone done this?
The pictures show seat position in relation to tank and steering wheel the last time I drove the truck.