Re: Raymond
We have had a tough week with the truck... Chris had a tech working on all the wiring and mechanical for the truck... This guy was relatively new to the shop but came with great credentials... Well Not so much... Just about everything he did was hosed up so they have spent literally all week and 4 guys working on it solid just chasing problems... Friday (9/23/16) they finally got all that wrapped up and was ready for the final thing and that was to figure out why the transmission tail shaft was leaking (thinking it was just the tail shaft seal)... Well hell no... it wasn't that easy...
Come to find out the company that build me aluminum driveshaft put a TH350 yoke on it instead of the TH400... Well Chris spent almost 4 hours calling all over the place looking for a TH400 yoke and finally found one about 5:00pm... got it to the shop to find out that yoke was for a long tail shaft and this is a short tail shaft... Well the modifications began and got the yoke to fit then started to stuff the shaft to find out that the difference in the shaft with the new yoke and U-joints made the shaft appx 3/4" to long so it just shut them down trying to get it ready to come home Friday night... By the time they got all that done it was almost 9:00 so there was no way to get it back to Inland to get the shaft shortened... So Monday they will send the shaft back over to be taken care of...
I should be able to get the truck but Mid Week...
Chris was trying really hard to make it to where I could get the truck to a good size car show here in my immediate area (appx 800 cars)... Well there is always later... I thank Chris Carlson's Hot Rods for trying their best to make that happen...
This is 2 weekends in a row that I missed out on shows that were of great importance to me but that is the was crap goes when you do a complete frame off and MAJOR modifications... It just takes time to get the bugs worked out...