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Old 09-25-2016, 03:47 PM   #4
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Posts: 17
Re: Truck has started running rich & terrible MPG

Hey guys, thanks for the comments. Here's a few more details I was able to piece together today. One thing that jumped out to me, I'll put at the very bottom of this post. Might be nothing, not sure.
  • I drove it around the block and watched the RPM's and noticed that the truck did move into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gears (it only has 3).
  • I hooked the vacuum gauge up to the carb. I only saw 2 inlets. One inlet gave no reading at all. See my photo below for more details.
  • Here's a video of the gauge with me starting the truck:
  • The pressure stayed at 18,which I believe is suppose to be good.
  • I crawled under the truck and checked the vacuum line going into the transmission and it looked fine. The rubber ends appear to be in good shape. The metal tube has no corrosion and isn't broken
  • I was able to find the ID # on the carb - 17058218 - Built in 1978. Quadrajet (4 bbl) Federal standards for manual trans.

Here's a couple additional pics of the carb:

In the 1st photo, I hooked the vac gauge to the blue inlet on the left (video above). I tried hooking it up to the blue inlet on the front, but nothing happened.

Passenger Side:

Front view. The blue cap is the inlet that I hooked the vac gauge to and got no reading. It appears that are 2 tuning screws at the bottom of the carb. The one on the right is much further out that the one on the left. Could this be my problem?

Dumb question, but nonstop asked if my choke is opening up. How do I check this?

Thanks guys!
1979 C10 - Silverado with sidestep
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