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Old 09-25-2016, 04:32 PM   #5
rich weyand
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Re: Truck has started running rich & terrible MPG

The choke plate is the metal plate standing on its edge in the front barrels. It is shown as open in these pics, so it is opening up. Whether it is closing when cold is another matter.

Your vacuum advance is connected to the ported vacuum on the front upper left (looking back) of the carb. Better is to hook it to manifold vacuum on the passenger side, the one sticking out the side with the blue cap on it. Move the cap to the one in the front to close it off.

The two screws in front are the idle mixture screws. Before you mess with them, screw them each all the way in (not tight!) while counting turns. This will let you knew where you are so you can get back to where you are now. Then back them back out.

They probably should be out about two turns. You can start from two turns and then try this. Let the car get to operating temp. Back the screws out until you get the highest vacuum reading. Back each screw the same amount, do 1/2 turn at a time and let the engine adjust. When you no longer see the vacuum or RPM increase, then turn each screw in 1/4 turn. Adjust your curb idle speed back to the spec with the idle adjustment screw on the throttle linkage.
Rich Weyand

1978 K10 RCSB DD.
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