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Old 09-25-2016, 08:30 PM   #17
Foot Stomper
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Re: Beer belly / steering wheel room needed in 59

Brian, your sense of diet and gene's is lacking the knowledge that you believe everyone is built the same and that our choices are the only differences. Please accept what I tell you as truth. There is more to someone's health aside from what they put in their mouth. I've friends who are diabetic that are slim and trim, I've friends that have high cholesterol that are slim and trim, I've friends that have high blood pressure that are slim and trim, I've friends that think body image is everything, I've friends that can walk anyone into the ground that are heavy, I've friends that think that body weight is a choice as easy as diet... no disrespect intended but you must be the body type that can easily change weight. Good for you, but there are many others that are not blessed with that ability. Dr Laura never had any weight challenges so what does she know about that except that it's so easy to tell someone else how to lose weight?!?! Her "concentration camp" example of body weight is absolutely disgusting and is completely disrespectful.

Getting thread back on course....Moving on... anyone buy an Ididit column for a 58/59 they liked? disliked? which one should I consider.
So when is this "Old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

My 1959 GMC build thread
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