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Old 09-26-2016, 03:28 PM   #73
SS Tim
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Re: Factory Two Tones ONLY (with NO white)!!

Originally Posted by Already Gone View Post
... What does the Janesville build have to do with the paint, did they do things different at that plant?
There are always subtle variations in the normative build between multiple assembly plants. Most are generally unknown and often are vendor supplied part/assembly variations.
Some are clear and isolated to a single plant like Janesville's now well known "Deluxe" emblem placement.

The single best source of how a truck was built/painted/assembled is the truck being restored, if is in original condition. As a rule of thumb, since general documentation is so sparse, in a situation like this (correcting a modification) you need to use similar trucks for comparison. The best are going to be trucks assembled at the same plant on the same build date. Through observation and documention of other original examples you can establish a general normative build for a specific plant and timeframe. However this only goes so far. Rarely seen option installations or combinations can be difficult to establish a normative for.

But two-tone paint, being a very generic and wide spread option, is going to give you lots of examples (and variations) to sort though establishing how and where parts were masked.

As an example, take the inner door tape line shown above. Did Fremont generally have tight sharp masking with a clean edge or was the feathery blown edge in my example 71 very common (high %)? Or even the normative (most)?

While most people tend to idealize their rebuilds, some like to get the details as close as possible to "as delivered".

To that end, even if your truck was built as the very next serial number from Jocko's at the same plant, the undocumented repaint is open to doubt as to the location and completeness of the masking line in question.
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