New to Forum
Good Afternoon. Just bought my dream truck last week-- 1972 Cheyenne Super Custom SB 4x4, in fairly good shape. Rebuilt motor, mostly stock parts, dash never cut etc. It's got a few quirks and issues that I will likely ask for help with, but just wanted to introduce myself. Pardon my sounding like a dumba$$ as I owned an old K5 10 or so years ago, but haven't worked on anything since.
I'm a former Marine who loves to hunt and fish.
Here are some of the issues I hope to tackle in the near future:
1. Motor temp creeps up to 220-230 when idling and hot out (newer aftermarket alum radiator and metal fan, but still has tendency to get hot--ok when driving)
2. AC blows but not cold
3. Engine knock/timing issue after shutting truck off
4. Starter malfunction (i believe due to overheating) after running truck for a while (starts perfectly when truck is cold, turns over 4-8 times before start when hot)
5. Cosmetic fixes for the worn looking paneling on tailgate/worn wood
6. Possible axle/gear swap/possible small lift
Anyway--look forward to getting into this thing--here are a few pictures.