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Old 09-28-2016, 01:31 PM   #1
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69/70 NOS Grille

Hello everyone,

I frequently comb through parts listings on kijiji/craigslist (mostly out of procrastination) and have seen both of these advertised as NOS 69-70 grilles. It is clearly evident that there is a difference between the two, and after awhile of searching I have yet to find an explanation. This leads me to my question of whether people are attempting to sell reproduction grilles as NOS grilles? Or is the difference between the two year specific? (69/70). A minor discussion relating this topic occurred on a different thread, but a conclusive answer was never decided upon.

I personally believe reproduction parts are vital to maintaining 50 year old trucks, especially with the abuse they often receive over the years. With that said, IMO the grille is one of the most distinguishable features on these 69-70 models so I would like to have something that appears as original as possible.

Thanks everyone for your input.

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Disclaimer - The second imagine was modified from a previous post
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