Thread: Pictures needed
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Old 09-29-2016, 08:31 PM   #6
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Re: Pictures needed

Originally Posted by l79m20 View Post
Thanks guys, but GM would'nt have sold a chassie to an independant builder without tail lights of some sort would they? Brake lights had to be included with all motor vehicles after a certain date, right? I do agree that those lights, mine are hung below the bed from the undercarriage, do take a lot of abuse and have most likely been changed. Mine have two different styles. But I see your points too. Just looking for a difinitive answer. Thanks again to you both!!
lights were supplied by whoever put whatver on the back. if it got a gravel box that is who installed the lighting. if yt got a trailer, that is who installed the lighting. if it got a flatdeck or a van body that is where the lights came from
remeber your truck is at least 50 years old. things get replaced
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