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Old 09-29-2016, 09:05 PM   #1
Advanced Design
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Fixing shop roof leak

My shop roof was constructed of corrugated Strong Barn tin back when the building was built in 1968. The sheets were too short to extend from the peak to the eave and had to overlap. The overlap was where the majority of the leaks occurred in heavy rain and wind conditions.

After talking with several contractors (including our own forum member Davis Chevy who stopped by to meet earlier this year) the decision was made to overlay with new metal on perlins. The metal is long enough to extend from the peak to the eave this time and better not leak.

First piece of business was to make sure my builder was a Chevy / GMC truck and van guy. They even modify them for their all the guys on the crew drove Chevy trucks too. He does good work and has completed a number of projects for me.
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Last edited by Advanced Design; 09-29-2016 at 09:45 PM.
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