Since the last update, I've sorted the Brake light issue, New switch installed...
Replaced the Turn Signal switch, and thanx to over-thinking the issue with the brake lights... I had both rear lights blinking whenever the left or right blinkers were used...

While attempting to sort out the inop brake lights, I wired the 3rd brake light feed to both brake lights...

(yep, epic fail on my part...) Well the other day after washing off the top layer of dirt, and snapping the previously posted pics, I ran the gas tank dry when returning the stepper to it's designated space... I added fuel and fired it up, only to have it die and not restart...

Seems the old gas, I assumed burned up...didn't. Upon removal of the carb and disassembly, both fuel bowls full of crud...

A quick cleaning, new base gasket and once again starting...

So, after work today I re-adjusted the carb and sorted the Turn signal issues and repaired... So now, as Phil Robertson says, "HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!"

Here are a couple of pics...
Replacing T/S switch...
Untitled by
Donald Olivo, on Flickr
Untitled by
Donald Olivo, on Flickr
Headlights and Parking Lights...
Untitled by
Donald Olivo, on Flickr
Tail Lights...
Untitled by
Donald Olivo, on Flickr
Next up, attach some pipe and mufflers, get tags so I can legally put some shakedown miles in... Attend Clem's Bash...
