Thread: Rearend help
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Old 10-01-2016, 09:20 PM   #16
Advanced Design
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Re: Rearend help

FAKKY, you can measure for rear end needs and look for a rear that fits. For example, when I built the black truck shown in my icon pic, I used a 10 bolt that came from a Nova. It fit fine with no modifications.

If you buy a rear, then have the width narrowed, you can buy custom width axles from several companies.

I wouldn't worry about getting the springs as they typically won't be right for your truck.

Parking brake, you can run drum brakes (like I did with the black truck) or use disc brakes and run parking brake cables. On black truck I used a Lokar trans mounted BP handle and cable. I've seen really good builds here use a foot operated parking brake from a newer vehicle. Hand operated ones too.

Of course keep in mind the overall budget when making purchases. No fun to have some cool high dollar parts and not enough money to get the truck done.

Pic is why my buddy is ordering a 9 inch from QT.

Originally Posted by FAKKY View Post
What determines ensuring a good fit.

*) In terms of lets say you target a 9" or 8.8 mentioned above. What needs to be done to ensure you dont have to shorten axle housing and axles. How much short/long is ok ? Based on hub to hub or ?

*) To resuse existing leafs. Axle tube thickness ?? Or should you grab the leafs and hardware for attaching from donor - or ??

*) Parking/Ebrake - what do you do here.

I was thinking about a custom 9" from quickperformance who I cahtted to a few weeks back .... but $2500 ... *ouch*. Thats as much as my engine/trans Might be worth it in the long run ..... but 1st build
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