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Old 10-02-2016, 11:28 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Cave City, KY
Posts: 33
Missing Quadrajet Vacuum Port: Plug or Replace?

I've got two quadrajets here I'm trying to build a nice one out of the two. I've got a '68 Chevy Quadrajet that's seized and I don't have any hope of saving it, so I bought a '73 Chevy Quadrajet off eBay that after my inspection looks pretty decent to me but the only issue I've found so far that im unsure of how to solve is that the vacuum port on the driver side just above the baseplate has been pulled out of the carb body. What is this port for? I'm really only needing ported vacuum for the distributor advance and to reuse the port for the choke pull off. Can I just plug it? The '68 carb still has the port in it and I'm thinking I could swap the port from the '68 to the '73 carb if the port is needed. The two carbs are essentially the same with the exception of the vent in the airhorn the '68 has and the '73 does not. Any advice on how to go about doing this? I'm afraid I'll get it out, put it in the other carb then it'll fall back out or not seal well. Maybe I'm over thinking it but I thought I'd try and get some advice from someone who has dealt with this before.
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