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Old 10-03-2016, 02:55 PM   #1
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Bent valve question for the experts

This is not with my truck, but I have a question about what it takes to bend valves. The reason for asking is a shop is using "another reason to get money out of me" and I'm not falling for it.
The engine ran fine, was timed, and had good compression when it went into them. They flashed the ECM to get it synced, and I went to drive it home. About five miles into the trip it hesitated, ran a little farther,and then cut out. We checked all electrical and fuel possibilities, but nothing. I had it towed back to them, and that's when the ho hum stories started. Long story short is that now they say that the valves are bent in 2 cylinders (4 cylinder eng), and "it must have been out of time". Checked it and no, perfect. My thought is the tech left something in there that was sucked into the two cylinders, and did the damage. Mgr says no.
Any thoughts from the Wizards?
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