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Old 10-03-2016, 07:07 PM   #7
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Re: Missing Quadrajet Vacuum Port: Plug or Replace?

Originally Posted by 54blackhornet View Post
That is a very unusual looking Qjet they sent you ? Looks a lot different then the ones I've seen ? I like it though ! The one on my 71 is still not set up properly to run in cold weather, had the Carb Shop in Calf "Rebuild " it and quite experienced folks try to adjust it with little results....
Yes, it is pretty interesting. Their part number is ND4478, so looking at their website it appears to be for 1981-86 Chevy trucks and the description is:
305"-350" Eng Non Computer
When I talked to the salesman who took my order, he was quite knowledgeable and helpful. He said they can't just add an electric choke to a carburetor that was designed with a divorced choke, and they had to build a different carburetor that was originally equipped with an electric choke, and they could build it with the linkages that would work for 1969. I have not wired the TH400 kick down and I don't have a switch and switch mount plate for it anyway, so I used the kick down power wire to power the choke. The electric connector for hooking it up to the carburetor came from O'Reilly's and it is BWD part number PT762. I plugged the brake booster threaded port with a threaded nylon plug from the hardware store, and plugged all the other unused ports using a variety pack of vacuum caps. I bought the lifetime warranty option on the carburetor, and they put a spot of tamper seal on one of the screws, so I think they expect me to never take it apart, and to send back to them for any repairs. I suppose I will talk to them when that time comes. All the settings were already made and it was engine tested at their factory, so all I did is set it on my engine, bolt it down, and connect it, and it ran great. I did need to adjust the choke because it was starting really rough in the mornings. The "upgrade" version with electric choke was $20 less than the original 1969 divorced choke Quadrajet when I ordered it. Since it was already unbelievably inexpensive, that was an unexpected bonus.

Last edited by dmjlambert; 10-03-2016 at 07:24 PM.
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