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Old 10-03-2016, 07:40 PM   #12
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Re: 78 crew cab + 06 ccsb 4x4 duramax/allison combo = which route to go?

Originally Posted by andrewmp6 View Post
Have you seen project nightrain on trucks ?If it is a 2wd 1/2 ton but the motor does fit with work.But having a 1 ton 4x4 you might get away with making a engine crossmember or notching it vs notching the oil pan like he did.For less a wiring headache
For a intercooler you might get away with using a 1st gen powerstroke or 2nd gen cummins maybe.

I had long conv with the guy that owned the white one on youtube you see all the time. he actually used the 79 ford axle and the Allison dmax and tc off the new truck like I mentioned. its the only complete one ton ive seen. I think he had to build new cross members from scratch. but it all fit with the stock hood. it was a lb7 model dmax not the lbz. the earlier ford danas sell for about 2k at least.
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