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Old 10-04-2016, 06:21 PM   #5
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Re: Identify a 1949 truck with no cab plate

Pa has never verified a vin on a vehicle I brought in from another state, the most recent was my 52 3 years ago last month.. Where you are going to hit the road block is when you go to get your yearly safety inspection ,,, if the garage that you use decides to verify the vin on the truck vs the vin given on the owners card (they are suppose to). If they do and things don't match or are not present that is where the poop hits the fan.

There is no leeway in Pa. it conforms or it don't.. Black or white.. If it does not have a vin tag matching the title, it is suspect and will not be tilted if they catch it... Anyone know if these trucks have frame #s?

There is no such thing as a bonded title in Pa.. There are ways to go about getting titles fixed but you will be spending good money after bad..

Just to get the month letter in my 52's vin corrected it took the notary filling out all the paper work twice the 2nd time he had to set up a 2hr meeting at the DoT. He then had to take color pictures of the vin plate, a tracing of the vin plate, a copy of the page from the assy manual showing how to read and breakdown vin # and a notorized statement from me.... All this BS was over the simple fact somewhere along the line the J was entered as a U.... Yes that's right all that to prove there was not 21 months in the 1952 calendar year!

Last edited by 67GMCkid; 10-04-2016 at 06:33 PM.
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