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Old 10-06-2016, 08:49 PM   #2
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Location: Rohnert Park, ca.
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Re: 62 C-10 headlight bucket

The headlight bucket is the part that holds the headlamp. 62-66 are the same and the bucket is cradled by the headlamp assembly. If I'm understanding correctly, your asking if you could use a different year assembly with your 62 grille ? The answer would most likely be no ( anything is possible with a LOT of fabrication ) . The 62 headlamp assembly is considerably different then the other single lamp assemblies, 63 or 64-66. The attaching points to the grille are very different and the headlamp bezels on the 62 screw to the assembly ( 63-66 ) screw to the grille itself. Your better off repairing the ones you have or finding replacements ( no repops made ) hope I understood your question, if not disregard good luck !! If you need a photo or two let me know
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