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Old 10-06-2016, 09:06 PM   #3
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Re: 62 C-10 headlight bucket

Originally Posted by Captmatt View Post
The headlight bucket is the part that holds the headlamp. 62-66 are the same and the bucket is cradled by the headlamp assembly. If I'm understanding correctly, your asking if you could use a different year assembly with your 62 grille ? The answer would most likely be no ( anything is possible with a LOT of fabrication ) . The 62 headlamp assembly is considerably different then the other single lamp assemblies, 63 or 64-66. The attaching points to the grille are very different and the headlamp bezels on the 62 screw to the assembly ( 63-66 ) screw to the grille itself. Your better off repairing the ones you have or finding replacements ( no repops made ) hope I understood your question, if not disregard good luck !! If you need a photo or two let me know

Yep...LMC calls it the headlight backing plate. Mine are really bent up but I will work on them to straighten them back out while also keeping an eye out on ebay and local wrecking yards. Thanks for the response. The PO of my ride really did a number on mine with all sorts of sheet metal screws, drywall screws, etc. Some of the thin metal posts that stand off the backing plate are also missing or broken off. They look to be where the bucket was supposed to attach.
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