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Old 10-08-2016, 06:27 PM   #1
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Top end 5.3 please advise

I am a 67-72 Die Hard.
I recently picked up a 2000 Yukon with a 5.3 and posted in that forum.
Very little response or activity. Obviously a gear head is a gear head. I am just looking for input.
Here is what I posted.

I acquired this vehicle and it appear to be worth fixing.

Bad head or gasket. I just ordered a set of remanufactured heads.

While I have this torn apart, what else should I do to the motor.

Vehicle had noisy lifters but also had bad head gasket or cracked head.

I don't want to spend more than needed but don't want to tear it apart in 6 months to replace something I could easily replace now.

I have not gotten the heads off yet. Almost there. I decided better just purchase heads for $300 than to just put gaskets on the old ones. These are the head I purchased

Would you replace the lifters or just clean them?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you!!
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