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Old 10-09-2016, 12:14 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2015
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Show me your lowering kits and ride heights

Well I'm starting my suspension once again and I'm ready to but lowering springs, but I can't base my spring purchase off of the truck as it sits because the current springs are so old they are sagging, and I'm sure it's already a couple inches lower than stock hieght. My truck is a 1970 LWB, and it's going to have 17" or 18" inch rims when it's done. It also has 3" exhaust but no tailpipes yet because I need to lower it first. I don't want to C notch anything, but I do want it pretty low. I've come to terms with the probability of doing spindles too which I had wanted to avoid. I think 3 inches in the front is as far as you can go without spindles correct? If so, a few pics of a 3/5 drop would be great, and also a 4/6 just in case I decide that I have to go spindles. Also did you guys with 3" exhaust have to cut holes in your crossmember? Thanks you guys


Last edited by Mrturner1; 10-09-2016 at 12:30 AM.
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