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Old 10-09-2016, 01:15 PM   #4
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Re: Can't find a non-shade-band windshield

Originally Posted by custom10nut View Post
The glass place I'm going to go with is able to get me the "Green Tinted" glass like my original, so they are available. I understand why you don't want the Blue tint band at the top. Maybe you need to find a sales person whose a little older to understand you.
Yes, the "green tinted" is what I want, and that's what the glass guy was looking for. I know this glass can be found through most of the vendors that serve our needs for other parts, but according to my glass-guy, they are going to be "china" pieces that don't fit the opening correctly.

I guess what I'm asking is if anybody has experience with windshields from any of these vendors. (Does it fit?)
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