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Old 10-11-2016, 09:48 PM   #10
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Re: Painting Stock Exhaust Manifolds

My dad used to work at Appalachian stove and would get me some spray paint called stove bright that they painted the wood stoves with. I would wire brush the manifolds, wipe them down with lacquer thinner, let it dry for a couple hours, spray 2 or 3 light coats....not too heavy, just full coverage. Stuff lasted for years with daily driving, only minimal touch up from time to time. Use a curing process to finish it off by firing the engine up and bring the manifold up to about 250-300 degrees, let cool and repeat a couple times for best longevity. You can still buy it off the web for about 10 bucks a can last time I bought it. Stuff smells wicked so I don't think it's simply common paint. Beautiful metallic cast iron finish too!
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