Fuel Tank? Aerotank? Other?
So I have been searching. At one point I was heading towards a Northwest Fab tank. But they no longer make tanks. I see that Aerotanks make a 40 gallon tank.
I am running throttle body injection on a 5.7 with an external pump. No big deal.I want to get to 30+ gallons as I am always hunting and it gets old packing gas everywhere.
I see where some say you can use a 87 tank, but I really want a full write up. I am not against having a custom tank built if I just had good dimensions. The PO on my blazer used a 16 gal fuel cell. Does not make it too far from home.
So links to an aerotank install, or a late model tank install. I want to keep my factory fill location.
I have found several threads with bits and pieces, but not a complete build thread.
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