Originally Posted by knomadd
That's funny... sounds exactly like what happens to me. Especially with this LS swap. I just bought an e-level upgrade for my air management... "might as well while the truck's apart" 

, I'm glad you didn't start taking the motor apart, that's a big can of worms....

Originally Posted by gringoloco
Oooooh, the "might as wells"... Dangerous thoughts

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
That's been my biggest problem with my 72. I can't leave it alone and finish it. I always seem to want to add this or that, and that and this. 
Yeah, I'm trying to make sure I include all the stuff that the first time so everything looks somewhat integrated. I hate having stuff look like an afterthought....

Well last night, me and the wife tackled one of the tasks I hate the most when it comes to building these trucks, bleeding the brakes........

. It seems like every time we do this evolution it is always painful.
Well this time I attacked the task a little differently. I double check all my line connections first, I used this little brake bleeding vacuum tool at Harbor freight, and I said a small prayer,

. 3 pints of DOT3 brake fluid, 2 small leaks at the front calipers, and 60 minutes later - it appears I have a good solid pedal and no drips!!!