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Old 10-14-2016, 06:50 PM   #2
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Re: Missing Part, Need help with ID, Part # 1960 K10

the pitman arm is what comes off the sreeing box. the drag link is what runs between it and the steering arm that comes of the top of the k/pin area, I take it that the drag link is missing. if your pitman arm and the steering arm coming from the k/pin area are stock there should be a round knob(ball stud) coming off them". sometimes it is just better to show a picture of what you have or haven't got instead of this or that, then there is no room for misinterpatation . if so I may know of a couple of places where you can get a used one. the only problem now is that parts are hard to get for the ends. don't know if you can get replacement cups any more. due to lack of knowledge what a grease gun is anymore those areas get sadly neglected(these trucks were not built on lifetime parts. the ball stud and cups can get pretty worn and you can feel it in the steering until one day it locks up on you. you can get lucky and maybe get new ones. if you are going to upgrade your steering(later model p/s) then one would just convert over to newer stuff. if you are going to restore then you go with the ball stud and cups
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