Thread: Spindle ID
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Old 10-18-2016, 01:00 PM   #6
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Re: Spindle ID

Originally Posted by jr1966 View Post
Can anyone identify these front spindles. What year truck are they from? They are on a 69 GMC but it has a whole new front crossmember and disc brake setup under it.
15649947LH 15649948RH
CF010 CFD7

Originally Posted by jr1966 View Post
Well looked it over for quite a while tonight. Only thing on caliper is 5H21 cast in the side.
The disc is 1.250 thick
210401-C on the back side
6 Lug metric 14x1.5

What I am trying to do is go to 5 Lug. Wish I could find 5 lug disc to fit this spindle. Not knowing the year of the setup ,not sure what spindle to order that would work with the caliper and ball joints on it now if I had to go that route.
Also trying to keep cost down, doing it for my son and it is keeping me from working on my old Chevy 2.
Thanks for the assist
Wow "Deja Vu" for me just like the $ h i t that was on my truck. Don't you just love Past Owners that don't look hard enough for the right parts for our Trucks and DON'T pass on what was used to new owners. The spindles are from 1992-2002 5 lug trucks like Chevy, GMC, & Vans. And the Calipers are most likely from the same. Your Brake Disc Rotors is probably 1988 and up, your rotor # given is aftermarket, a GM number sequence would read like mine does (12 GM D 15- 15649952). I would think the inner & outer Bearings & races have been changed out to match the Spindles also.

As for your Whole New Cross Member & Disc setup goes if it is from the years 67-72 that is a right fitment for our trucks then its good to go there. The Upper Ball Joints & Outer Tie Rod Ends should/need to be from the same year as the Spindles. Your calipers are designed for 1 1/4" thick rotors and any 5 lug rotor is going to be 1" thick so there is where your problem lies. You need to find 71-72 1/2 ton spindles to have your 5 lug setup you want. All the info I have provided to you is from what I had to go through from Past Owners garbage that was on my truck when I bought it 2 years ago. If your 5 lug goal is where you want to be then I would start looking/buying parts from a 71-72 1/2 ton truck. Others might chime in with better info. Good Luck with your build.

Last edited by ck5566; 10-18-2016 at 01:09 PM.
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