Originally Posted by Steeveedee
The nuisance dust mask will probably minimize the small amount of powdered zinc from getting to your lungs. The mucous in your nose and throat will stop most of it. The real threat is from the fumes when you weld, but one or two tail light buckets probably won't make you sick, if you are just sanding. I wouldn't recommend a lot of it. I know of people who have died from welding a bunch of galvanized in the wrong conditions. If you get short of breath and develop a fever, you done screwed the pooch and should get medical attention tout-suite, but the effects are pretty short lived unless you have been doing it all day.
I read about welding as well. I think you're confirming that yes, they are galvanized. I'd have thought so. Seriously, I feel fine. Coincidentally, I had already purchased a new respirator. I'll wait for that to finish the other just cuz, which is the simple one............Some rust and pitting on the rear sides, which looks common, though they'll come out nice. Just an extra pair. Think I'll hit em with this stuff, and thanks for the response.