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Old 10-20-2016, 01:45 PM   #18
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Re: Terrible idle, difficult start, and smoke!

Originally Posted by chevytruckguy70 View Post
A couple weeks ago I had the same issue and found the choke not operating correctly. It was staying closed. Mine isn't electric but you could have the same problem. Check your linkages for correct connection or binding.
Its been really warm here. But funny you say that when it started cooling off I decided to check it and the choke linkage was screwed up. I fixed that now it works like a champ.

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
Make sure the choke pulloff (vacuum assembly that pull the choke open about 1/8" as soon as it fires) is working correctly and adjusted correctly per the shop manual. You have no hope of it running properly when cold if that's not set up correctly.

If it's too far open it'll just die. If it's too closed or not working, it'll lug and buck and smoke and so on, basically running super-rich.

Start with the factory shop manual dimensions, then have someone start the truck while you're underhood. As soon as it fires try opening and closing the choke door a little (like the thickness of a pencil lead) to get the best operation, and then try to bend the linkage to get that setting automatically.

But just check it before going crazy, you could well have some other problem entirely.
no vacuum on my choke. its electric. and working great.
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