Originally Posted by davepl
Well that's your problem then.
How do you expect the engine to run with a closed choke? It can't. This is a vital part of the cold-start system. I bet you have it...
Sorry? It's an electric choke. There are no vacuum connections for it. Its opening and closing perfectly.
Originally Posted by geezer#99
Too high up for head gasket.
Look in the rad when it's idling and look for bubbles. That's how to tell if it's a head gasket.
Also your coolant temp sensor is right there. Could be leaking a bit. Or a valve cover gasket leaking.
Plugs aren't too bad. Gapped a bit too much though. Set them at .045.
well thats promising. i was thinking it could have been seeping out from that seem there just under the spark plug. I will take a look at the temp sensor as well. and re-torque my valve cover bolts. they are new aluminum covers with a new felpro metal core/rubber gasket.
they are gapped at .045 but I will check them again.