Re: Header Problems
Hog, what's wrong with those headers? run the front 2 wires straight down. put some kind of Adel clamp on one of the oil pan bolts, run them through it. If you build your own wires you can run them down behind the motor mount like Chevy did.
rear two the same, run them down, not up. run all 4 up through a clamp bolted to the back of the cylinder head. and up to the dist cap. most modern caps have male terminals sticking up, put 90 terminals and boots.
I put a set of Moroso plug wires on on my 327 when I built it in 1985. ran them like this on both sides. They were still good when I blew the truck apart in 2015.
If you don't run them over the top so they hit the headers or manifolds and keep oil off them they'll outlast you.