Originally Posted by hogfarm
Answer to both post,First I did also buy a set of Ram horn Manifolds,I think I found the link from here.When I got them they were so ruff it would take hours to grind them smooth,plus they had holes drilled and taped by every plug.They were so bad I tried to send them back,guy told me no to bother sending them back and refunded my money,they were new,no idea where they were made.But the other day I bought a 1976 pickup for the drive train for my 41 chevy coupe,so I can try those manifolds.
Second.Running the wire under the manifolds is a good idea,I did that on my 54.the problem is the header hits the number 6 plug no way to get wire on .same thing on other side hits number 5.I was going to notch header to fit around the plugs but decided to wait untill I have cab back on to check stering linkage,putting cab on tomorrow
thanks for all the help
If they had the smog ports they were later ones, not the early Corvette. 74ish truck might work, they dump more towards the rear like Sanderson cc56 or cc11.