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Old 10-21-2016, 10:42 PM   #63
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Boise, ID
Posts: 102
Re: The neighborhood pusher! 1963 c10

So about back in March, I noticed some lumps on the side of my neck. I didn't think anything of it and I figured I'd watch it. Well, come September they didn't go away. So I scheduled an appointment with my doctor and we got a cat scan done. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. But during that same exact time, my left knee decided to swell up to the size of a cantaloupe and my right ankle started having problems also. The knee issue was a problem for about 2-3 weeks and my ankle I'm still having problems with. Oct 17 I was supposed to have the surgery to remove the cancer and the lymph nodes it spread to. Well, I failed my stress test and so the surgery got canceled. Due to me having a reduce ejection fraction of 40%. That is what the heart pumps out in a single pump. A normal heart should be 60%. So they wanted to make sure my heart was strong enough. Today I had an angiogram to make sure I didn't need a stent or a bypass. Thank God, it's none of those. So I got some medication. I'm sure my doctor will tell me to loose weight and now I need to figure out my surgery for the Cancer.

So that has kinda had me busy from working on the truck. Well that and work, but im not working right now so funds are kinda low.
Currently living with Cancer. Trying to build up a 1963 Chevy.
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