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Old 10-23-2016, 07:13 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2015
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My Barn Find GEM. What do I need to do to get her on the road?

Hi all, happy to say that I just purchased my 4th 67-72, and its by far my coolest yet. This is the most original truck I have ever seen, no rust whatsoever anywhere, and no dents on the body AT ALL (original paint).

A couple points i need advice on, firstly, if i am going to wash away that layer of white chalky oxidation is that going to damage the paint? how can i protect that original color?

How do i find out which engine it has (cubic inches)

also its not running, i obviously need to change the fluids and gas, but how about the transmission oil or differential oil?

I bought this truck for 4500, in the San Francisco bay area. Think that is a fair price for something this original and straight?
thanks for the help everyone!
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