For the paint. One loft the Xperia will know how to get the "chalky" stuff off and not hurt your paint. I think they use CLR, because it'll clean, but not damage, and stop the rust.
Change all your fluids. Even if they look"ok". With the moisture and temp changes where you are, condensation will build up in the fluids.
Change your points, plugs and wires, taking note what they look like when you take them out.
Also do a complete inspection, and change out of your shoes, drums and brake cylinders, and change your brake fluid.
Check the casting numbers on the block for the size.
Tires, change them, as the rubber breaks down an belts will separate and the worst possible time.
If you do the work yourself, for about $500 you'll be safely on the road, and the envy of many..

I hope that one day I have your kind of luck finding such a truck.