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Old 10-31-2016, 10:31 AM   #1401
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Leonardtown MD
Posts: 61
Re: Post Your Craigslist Finds

I'm trying to find a 4x4 67-72 to be my first project, and teach me something about automotive mechanics, total newbie here. Being on the east coast and not at all looking forward to rust repair I'm considering shipping something to MD (about a $1000 cost).

This truck is not currently running, he knows the previous owner put some bondo repair on it before powdercoating and giving it this paint job. He believes the frame bed cab etc are original becuase it has 4 drum brakes but he's only had it for 2 years. Has a SM465. But no sticker on the glove box.

So, is this truck going to be too much of a project? I have a father and brother in law that are skilled mechanics and can do the labor to replace this engine. But who know what else is wrong. Or should I just keep looking and try to find a driving 4wd with little to no rust thats within my budget (as close to or under $8k as possible)

This is the craigslist post

And a video he sent me of the truck

Thanks so much for all the help, any and all advice greatly appreciated - Nancy
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