Thread: TX FS bumpstop spacers
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Old 10-31-2016, 12:58 PM   #1
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FS bumpstop spacers

Hey yall. I have a set of custom made bumpstop spacers for sale. When I added porterbuilt arms and bags I was too low so I had some spacers machined . This is the first set that left me still I bit to low😟 so I had to have another set made. These are 2" x 2" drilled and tapped for 3/8-16 (corse). They are made from 6061 aluminum bar stock and come with grade 8 mounting hardware. Energy suspension bumpstops will screw into them. 50$ shipped to your door. They are also listed on ebay as well. So let me know if anyone is interested.

These were professionally done on a crap here!
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The Ghost 67 short wide full custom. 550 hp LSX, 4l80E, narrowed 9". Body dropped w/air ride!
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@disciple2.rc 💪instagram💪
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