Yea... I boogered it up shooting these guys in Maggie Valley... cost me about a months pay to put it back like it had been previously...
Then I backed it in to my fence a year or so ago... a fence that's been there ever since I moved in 23 years ago.
The bikes though... I collect things... always have... supposedly it's a subconscious coping mechanism for dealing with anxiety... which I definitely have. I was up to about 30 bikes at one point... I couldn't walk in my building without moving a bike out of the way. I got fed up and sold most of them that weren't good for anything but to look at. I kept the ones that I was riding. The collection keeps changing. It had been almost a year since I had bought or sold one, then I bought one and traded another off within about 10 days... I think I've got right at a dozen riders now... all cruisers... Electra's, Felt's, Dyno's
I'm going to see my guy tomorrow afternoon to discuss plans for repairing the bed rails/stripping painting the bedsides.