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Old 11-12-2016, 01:14 AM   #7
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Re: question on cab/frame

so you are actually advising him to take a gamble on it?
first time that I ever got pulled over by the police, I was driving my 1st car on the road and it was a 36 Ford sedan 1961 or 62. I didn't do anything, he was just going to check me out. this is the only time that I have ever heard of this being done. he asked me to show him that this car belonged to the registration that I had given to him. I couldn't do it then and he gave me 3 days to have it done. I went to the MVO and a fellow came out to the car and had a scraper in his hand and went to the top of the frame on the drivers side and very quickly said there it is and he checked and it matched and I was smiling. but what if it hadn't of matched. I would have been up the creek.
I guess that it was a fluke that I was asked that, but it can happen.
this is no B/S.
it doesn't cost much to make sure that you are legal.
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