Re: Alternative Engine Choices
About your 440 - I don't know if if besides your Chevy truck you're also a Chrysler person or it's just one of your friends has one he's just willing to give you etc. - either way there are several ways of going about this. You might find pre-made adapters to do this but I doubt it OR if you can also get the motor mounts AND the motor mount perches off the donor car or another Chrysler product that came with a 440. Bolt the motor mount and motor mount perches to the motor and lower the motor with the trans you will be using attached (Chrysler 727?) down between your frame rails - cut and/or notch the motor mount perches to fit your application and weld them in place.
There is a "Little More" to all this but not much. You will need a decent torpedo level Don't use a Harbor Freight one get at least an Empire or equivalent or an angle finder - when setting the motor and trans in place with the carburetor removed set your level or angle finder across the carb mount on the intake and level the motor front to back and side to side. When everything is level double check clearance - Trans, exhaust manifolds etc. You sure don't want to get everything set only to find on final assembly your exhaust manifolds don't fit etc. When you're satisfied with the fit tack weld the mounts in place - remove motor & trans weld the mounts solid and remount. Since our trucks are front steer with the steering box mounted forward and on the outside of the frame you shouldn't have much interference fit problems but even when dropping in a Chevy big block people need to notch or grind the top of the frame rail a little. Summit, Jegs & Speedway all have universal trans mount cross members for sale.
This is the method I used when I installed a 302 in my friends Ford Courier pickup 30+ years ago and it worked perfectly. No vibrations or interference problems once together and getting street driven. As a plus since a 440 has the distributor in the front you can get the motor close to the firewall. Just make sure you leave enough room to remove the valve covers, change spark plugs, account for throttle & trans kick down linkage etc. Cable linkage would work best and is an easy mod on these trucks.
Take your time, measure, check and check again and know you will be driving a unique truck. If the hard core GM guys give you flack about the 440 tell them it's a Cadillac or Buick motor. Both have the distributors in the front like a Chrysler 440.
Know also that you will very likely need to adapt and modify other things as work progresses. I attached a few pics of what I'm talking about and this is just a 350 in my 64 C-10. If you go to power brakes later on you might have ot use a small diameter dual diaphragm vacuum booster from a Chevy Astro Van or an S-10 etc. I tried to stick to all Factory parts - not necessarily GM but factory stuff be it GM, Ford, Chrysler, even Volvo etc. My reasoning is even though eBay, Jegs, Speedway, Summit have great assortments of say electric cooling fans, vacuum booster/master cylinder/proportioning valve combos, radiator overflow canisters, fan relays etc. - if your specialty fit fails 3 years after your build is done then what? Where did you buy it? Jegs, eBay, Summit, Speedway? Do they still carry that same brand? Is that same manufacturer still in business etc.? Even though I used many different parts from different manufacturers I know I can get a replacement and not have to re-modify to get it to fit. For example (pics attached) my brakes Everything came from a 73 C-10 even the brake lines - I can go into any Auto Zone or Oreilly's and get a replacement at 3pm on a Sunday. My electric fan is from a Lincoln Mark VIII tripped by a Volvo relay, my radiator overflow/windshield washer bottle is from a Ford truck along with the windshield squirters themselves - if & when something goes bad I know I can get an exact replacement and not have to worry about re-modifying to get another brand to fit.
Sorry for the long winded post, I just wanted to give you food for thought.