Originally Posted by mechanic350
ok so i am looking into rebuilding my 12 bolt with a few goodies inside. so far i have had some difficulties locating the right axles. from what i can find it should be a 31 5/16 axle length but i have found some that are 31 7/16 long. not sure if it will be an issue but it could pose a problem. also the moser axles I'm looking at have a .530 knurl for the wheel studs but those studs are only 1.5" long. i would prefer to run 3" long studs but they are a .630" knurl. i think i should be able to drill out the stud holes to accommodate the larger knurl but i don't want to screw up perfectly good axles. any help that can be given would be great.
and for anyone that reads this my parts list so far includes the following: detroit truetrac limited slip Diff (913A315), Moser engineering Diff cover (7111), Moser Axles(A30-70GMT2), richmond Gear 4.10:1 (RMG-6902041), richmond gear ring and pinion install kit (RMG-831018B), Royal Purple 75W90 (01300), yukon gear and axle install kit (14068) and then the studs in question moser engineering studs 1/2-20x 3in long .625 knurl (8010)
and the double up of the install kits is for some spare parts just in case things done go according to plan.
Call Moser and have them make the axles the way you want them. they will happily put whatever wheel studs you want in the axle flange ..
Forget going to the track with this, a 454 lsx and a c clip axle will be a no go..