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Old 11-23-2016, 11:37 PM   #5
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Re: sprint_9's 72 C10 Project

Wow where did the time go, 3 years gone by and Im no where close to being where I want to be with the truck. The good thing is though that progress is actually happening on the truck, I have attained a new house with a 3 stall garage, and my parents purchased a house with a 24x36 shop.

Ive been working mainly on house upgrades and maintenance over the last 2 years, and on the truck for the last 9 or so months so Im going to do some catching up on here over a few days. I debated on even continuing on with my thread but thought someday down the road it will be fun to look back on it, and maybe someone will even enjoy it as much as Ive enjoyed looking at others work on here.

So Ill start back up kind of where I left off after my last post, best I can remember anyhow. I had just started working on a van tilt I had gotten from a local salvage yard. Well upon getting it and not paying close enough attention to it I later discovered that the shift collar was damaged. I only had like $50 in it so I decided to keep it and try and fix it. Turns out the shifter pin hole was egg shaped and the gear indicator housing was completely broken out. What I did to fix was JB weld aluminum into the pin hole to make it tight again, and JB weld part of a pop can to the housing to build the box back up for the gear indicator. The end result looks good, Im just not sure how it will hold up in the long haul. So after this was painted it got thrown on a shelf and it still sits there. Ive got a nice non tilt column that came out of the truck I may run instead, one of 5000 decisions to make in the coming months.

Few pics of my fix.
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