I've been lurking around here for a while now, but I decided that I should introduce myself. My name is David Harroald, from Lindsborg, KS. I'm currently 18 years old and in my final year of high school.
I'll tell the story of my pickup I guess... around '94 my dad traded and '82 chevy pickup for a '67 short bed from a friend. the truck has disk brakes up front and 2in.(?) dropped spindles. the back has leaf springs with a flip kit and c-notch. the current engine in it is a 305 from an '86 or '85 monte carlo backed by a th400. this was my dads daily driver/work truck up untill thanksgiving of '02 when he hit a deer on his way up from Mulvane, KS to see my sister and I. the truck sat around for a little while needing a new grill, hood, and radiator. he just bought him a '65 suburban a few weeks before and decided that since he had that one he would let me have the '67 if I would fix it. So I jumped on it. scrounged up a radiator and borrowed a hood from my brother inlaw who has a '67 waiting for the 283 to be rebuilt. i went without a grill for awhile untill i bent my old one into shape to put back on. in october disaster struck when i rearended a parked car in my school parking lot, i came around a corner in the lot and had the sun glare on my windshield, couldn't see a thing. destroyed my grill beyond recognition and dented the brother inlaws hood a bit, pushed passenger side fender into the door putting a kink in it and dropping the back half of the door down about an inch or two, i might have tweaked the cab a bit but i'm not certain yet, with it being my daily driver to school and work i haven't had time to tear it completely apart. it still is my main vehicle even though it doesn't look too good. for christmas my dad found me '68 grill for me and i put it on right away, this is currently where the truck is at right now. i'm looking for a parts truck now to fix the damage that it has taken through the years of daily abuse. me and highboy_04 have been pming each other involving a 472 that i'll be acquiring this saturday for the truck to replace that little 305. i was going to by his '67 for a parts truck but he changed his mind, so now i'm at the mercy of fate.
For those of you that actually read my above novel, thank you and it's nice to be a part of this extended family.
i'm going to try and include a link to pics of my pickup and another project that i'm currently working on.
Thanks for "listening" to my story. David