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Old 11-26-2016, 10:43 PM   #1
wd 69
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Master Cylinder Part Question

I need a new master cylinder for my '68 C10. NAPA sold me one, but it doesn't look like the old one. Not sure if mine is the original, but I'll bet it is. Only thing not original on this truck, to the best of my knowledge, is the front tires! Anyway, the old one has that bale arm that holds the lid down. The new one's lid is held on by a screw in the center. Thing is, the NAPA computer shows a picture of the old one - but lists it for a "1968 C10 with disc brakes." I didn't think discs were even available in 1968 on this truck. They say the one they sold me is correct for drums. Did they sell me the wrong part?
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