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Old 11-29-2016, 05:13 PM   #10
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Re: New Fan and Thremal Clutch Advice

Originally Posted by Stocker View Post
Living in Vegas, you're gonna need all the advantage you can get. That long water pump may make it difficult -- maybe impossible -- to get a fan to sit properly in the shroud. But it doesn't have to be perfectly centered.... close will work. FWIW, my clutch fan mounting surface is 1 1/2" to the water pump pulley. Can't tell how far your fan sits from the pulley -- maybe 2"? -- so you might gain a little going to a clutch fan.

I think at least part of your overheating problem is caused by my sworn enemy, a flex fan. The only time my K20 ever ran hot was when my fan clutch failed and I temporarily ran a flex fan. Some people get by with them but IMHO they just don't cool very well. And there's that little issue of them sometimes exploding....

I would ditch it and get a good heavy duty (not a standard) fan clutch with at least a 6-blade fan. My OEM fan is 7-blade which I prefer, but they are probably harder to find. There are threads here about how to identify the different types of fan clutches. When I have a little more time I'll look it up for you. Right now I'm in the middle of installing a radiator, had to take a coffee break.
Yes, a properly working cooling system is imperative to living a desert where the summers reach 115°.
My mounting surface is 2" from the pulley. I will take anything I can gain. Do you have the part number for the clutch you're using? As far as the 7 blade fan goes, I'm confident I'll be able to locate one in town. I'll just have to do a little searching.
The long water pump was a huge mistake and has cause all kinds of headaches. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with it now.
The rest of the cooling system is new. I replace the the radiator last summer with a new 4row brass and the thermostat is new. It might be something else but I'm pretty sure this flex fan is the problem
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