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Old 12-04-2016, 11:25 PM   #8
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Re: Heavy Towing: Electric fans or clutch fan?

Aruba1, Father in law ordered a 87 c20 5.7 700r4 new with 4.56 gear. First year tbi, pulled a huge 5th wheel trailer through the mountains after i installed a big hayden trans cooler. He said in the hills the clutch fan would roar for a while, cool down, stop roar, and repeat. Finally sold the truck with 150k on it with original trans and engine.

My 68 c10 5.3 4l65e swap has a fan clutch and all attachments from a 2001 junkyard pull. I installed the 2001 suburban hd radiator (modified core support side to fit it) 68 fan shroud 2001 fan clutch. I have pulled a small trailer (3,000 lbs) in 100 degree heat and never heard the fan clutch roar and no overheating. I believe it got to 215 degrees. I'm kinda old school and like the looks of a clutch fan and shroud.
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