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Old 12-05-2016, 10:58 AM   #2
throttle out
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Re: 6.0 /4l65e swap. need help wiring VSS into 241

I made my pigtail to do what your trying to do. The plug at the T-case I got from Autozone, they called it a headlight plug and it had 6" of flying leads on it. The other plug you shoul be able to find in that same section of the store as well. I had a 01 silverado light harness laying around and one of those plugs fit the LS harness VSS plug perfect. Solder them together, use adheasive shrink tubing, and be sure to use a good cable protector or sheathing. The wires for the VSS are not polarized and can be wired either way.

This is the plug that will fit the VSS connector on the T-case

I believe this is the one to fit the plug on the LS harness

Good luck!!
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