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Old 12-06-2016, 12:04 PM   #26
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Re: 1953 Project 1433

Originally Posted by jkeating1 View Post
It does seem to be a '52 cab and clip. The '53 designation by the previous owner may have originated from the year of the frame, if he knew it to be from a '53.

Prior to 1980 there was little or no VIN standardization, so I doubt that the registration office would even know if it was supposed to be a '52 or '53. If it was mine, I would attempt to make the registration concur with the number on the plate on the cab. (by the way--please double check the information I posted as far as what the year model is. I believe it was a credible source, but cross-check me on that).
You do make a good point. Maybe the frame was from a 53. But like I mentioned above, my serial number starts with a 2.

These links verifies what you said above. The bottom link also has the TRIM and BODY SERIAL information.

I don't believe it will be an issue with the registration office either. But I would like the information about my truck to be as accurate as possible. Now I might have to change my project name on the page LOL.

Last edited by NeoJuice; 12-06-2016 at 12:28 PM.
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