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Old 12-06-2016, 10:52 PM   #13
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Location: Antelope, CA
Posts: 47
Re: Fesler Flush Mount D.O.T. Glass Kit?

Im going to try it, my truck is at a paint shop and the glass is on order, should be done around the end of january. maybe if this is still out there ill post some pictures. For 1200 it comes with the front and rear and to me its not that bad. I had a rock crack my windshield earlier this year right after i bought my new toyota and factory glass for the 16' toyota was $1050, not installed, new cars have the rain sensing cutouts and lane departure cutouts. granted it didnt cost me that (went through insurance) but thats what the actual cost of the glass was. i saw two trucks at the good guys swap meet with it, it wasn't bad. they both had shaved drip rails as well.

here is the one i saw at good guys, not my video ( Facebook if you have it)
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