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Old 03-26-2004, 02:11 AM   #23
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used regular ones from the store, used copper ones and used what I think are the allum. kind

they all work if you install them corectly....

however it doesn't hurt to use a littlle (I stress a little..lots bolt down pressure you know) high temp silicone (red) on them..

(I know...the screwy guy silicones everything....

you can use the stock bolts...but may be hard to get at bolt head......I'd use a set of header bolts (you can usually get them in any parts store that caries at least minimal performance parts)

I use some high temp locktight on them...but check them when ever you check you oil to see if they are comming loose....I actually lost one and never knew leak....(guess the silicon really worked huh?) bigger problem on allum. heads.
That's right, I'm back in the game again. No it's not pink.....

1972 Blue and White Suburban.
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